Yeehaa, we’re back! Sorry the site has been down over xmas, but the monkey2 forums were spammed and I just wasn’t in the mood for embarking on an involuntary MySql refresher. I don’t even particularly dislike MySql or anything, I JUST WASN’T FEELING IT. Spammers kindly fuck off forever. All done now though, although I […]
Category: Top news
Selected news

Back to the future!
Hello all, I have been thinking a lot lately about where to take monkey2 (and blitz research) next and I have decided to concentrate most of my efforts on a single target. I am very happy with most aspects of monkey2, but one thing I think I seriously misjudged was the cost of using c++ […]

Mid-September update!
Whoooeeeee, life sure can change big time in just a few months! I am now a 9-5 (well, 7.30-4) c++ programmer working in a team of around 100+ people around the world on a project with millions of lines of code. I work in a large open plan office with about 50+ other people, about […]

July 2018 Update!
Monkey2 Threads Threads are finally in! I eventually gave up on my fancy ‘Tasks’ idea from the previous worklog update. It’s not a bad idea, but communicating between tasks would have been pretty cumbersome as it effectively involves serialization and that’s never particularly fun. I did actually take it quite far. I had a proof […]

Monkey2 Update for June
Hi everyone, It’s mainly been a month of tweaking and tooling around, but there have been a few semi-major developments along the way. For starters, weak references have been added to the language via the new WeakRef class. It’s taken a while to add these as I honestly wasn’t that clear on how to implement […]

Monthly Monkey2 update for May 2018
Hello everyone!I have mainly been playing with 3d over the last month. The shader system is now much tidier, thanks to the addition of a pseudo ‘import’ directive (glsl doesn’t have one so you need to roll your own) that should make writing shaders much cleaner/easier. For example, the default PbrMaterial shader is now only […]

April 2018 Monthly-ish update!
Hey ho mighty Patreon supporters and assorted lesser beings, OK, monkey2 version 2018.04 is out! Again, this pre-built release is for patreon supporters only but you can pretty easily build it yourself from source. As always, if you’ve donated to the monkey2 cause via the page (or otherwise), feel free to contact me for […]

March Monthly(ish) Monkey Update!
Hello all! Well, Februrary turned out to be a bit of a ‘low throughput’ month sorry. It kind of turned into a ‘research’ month as I started a few things but ended up filing them under ‘later’ as they were obviously going to take considerably more planning and thought than I had originally envisioned. Still, […]

Toy Plane Banana is on the User Projects and Modules links page
Toy Plane Banana is on the User Projects and Modules links page check it out. 0

Monkey 2 IAP Module – Free and included.
It’s available in the precompiled version for Monkey 2 Patreons ( ) and from the Monkey 2 repository on Github 0

Monkey 2 Admob Module – Free and included.
It’s available in the precompiled version for Monkey 2 Patreons at and from the Monkey 2 repository on Github 0