Tiny Tank(working title) – 2d topdown tank game

About Monkey 2 Forums Monkey 2 Projects Tiny Tank(working title) – 2d topdown tank game

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by   DruggedBunny 1 hour, 14 minutes ago.

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    I started a remake of an old game called FirePower a while ago. I stopped working at it. I now started coding something similar. I might re-use or take it into the firepower remake direction.

    I started creating a base with turrets and added collisions and scrolling(this was hell!) Made the turrets shoot at the player while making sure they do not hit walls or other turrets and also making sure they have a good chance of hitting the player tank.

    Last night I added little soldiers. They each(class List) have a floodfill map where a safe spot behind a wall is put where they move towards. They seem to remain killable and have time to be able to shoot at the player. I want to give them pistols and turn them into a puddle of blood when the player drives over them. In Firepower little people came out of destroyed buildings.

    If anyone wants to keep track of the project and maybe copy and paste the code into ted2go :





    Nice, like the way they hide!

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