How do I stop the remnants in 3D

About Monkey 2 Forums Monkey 2 Programming Help How do I stop the remnants in 3D

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  En929 3 weeks, 4 days ago.

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    When I play my game, when the player turns, I get this black remnants on screen. Back in BlitzBasic, there used to be a “CLS” function that stopped this. But, I wondering what do I add to my code to stop the black remnants now? A picture below has an arrow pointing to what I am trying to stop. The code is also below! Thanks!


    How do I stop the unwanted remnants?







    It’s hard to tell from the screen grab. If you could reproduce the problem in an example without loading any assets it would be helpful.

    Other than possible asset issues, I don’t see anything the could be wrong at a glance. Maybe driver issues? Windows doesn’t seem to like Open GL sometimes.




    Ethernaut, I went back and did a bit of experimenting. I found that the type of program that I used to create my models has some influence. For example, I made my models in Paint3D. But, I got the impression that Microsoft don’t like obj; as oddly, the obj format doesn’t exist in Microsoft’s 3d Paint unlike most programs and anything made with Microsoft’s Paint 3D and converted to obj doesn’t work well in ANY program I tried.

    This was unlike Tinkercad where I made my model. After making my model in Tinkercad (virtually the same model), I downloaded it in obj format and converted it to .b3d using Fragmotion and I didn’t get the remnant and it worked perfectly. So, I think it goes back to the program that I used. I will keep experimenting to confirm this.

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